Microsoft Excel is also family member of MS-Office group. They can be used to present a wide variety of information such as budgets, petty cash records, and employees, wages etc. Once data and formula have been entered, the program will perform the necessary calculations. Accounting, Statistics, Finance, Management fields are the main fields for this program.
Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program that enables you to store, manipulate, and chart numeric data. Spreadsheet is an electronic sheet that allows you to enter and store data in a 'grid'.
Excel enables you to create and modify worksheets and chart sheets. Worksheet is collection of vertical column and horizontal rows. The rows are numbered from 1 to 65536 and columns are numbered from A to IV (256).
Starting system: -
Click on start button.
Choose program.
Choose Ms-Excel & click on it.
Direct click on desktop shortcut button.
Term :-
Excel is work book . Workbook is the collection of worksheet .By default ,there are three worksheet in a workbook .
Worksheet is the combination of rows and column .In one worksheet there are 65536 rows and 256 columns .
Rows is the horizontal line of the cells in a worksheet .
Column :-
Column is a vertical line of the cells in worksheet .
Cell:- Cell is the small rectangular block in a worksheet .It is the meet point of the rows and column
Cell address:- Each and every cell has its own address . It is denoted by column name and row number .for example A1,A2..................
How to Exit from Excel: - After finishing your work,
Direct click on close button.
Go to file menu.
Click on exit.
To save the worksheet 1st time: -
Go to file menu.
Click on either save or save as
Then Save As dialog box will appear.
Give the required file name.
Click on save.
To open previous making file:-
Go to file menu.
Click on open.
Then, open dialog box will appear.
Choose required file.
Click on open.
To get new workbook: -
Go to file menu.
Click on new.
Then, new dialog box will appear.
Choose workbook.
Click on OK.
Working with worksheet: -
Inserting new worksheet: -
Place at the required sheet tab, where you want to insert to the left
Go to insert menu.
Click on worksheet.
Deleting Unnecessary Worksheet:
1. First Active the Sheet that you want to delete.
2. Go to Edit Menu.
3. Click on Delete Sheet.
4. Click on Yes
To define continuous serial number:-
1) First type 1 in any one required cell.
2) Then click on bottom of active cell and drag it up to destination by holding ctrl key.
1) Type 1 and 2 at required cell.
2) Select both cells. Then click on bottom of selected cell and drag it up to destination.
Cut And Paste :-
1) First select the data-containing cell, which you want to move.
2) Go to edit menu.
3) Click on cut.
4) Place the cursor cell at required position, where you want to move.
5) Again go to edit menu.
6) Click on paste.
To Copy the data (Copy and Paste)
1) First select the required data-containing cell, which you want to copy.
2) Go to edit menu.
3) Click on copy
4) Place the cursor cell at the required position where want to paste.
5) Again go to edit menu.
6) Click o on paste.
Paste special command: -
To Copy and paste formatting characters
1) Select the cell whose formatting you want to copy .
2) Click on copy button.
3) Select the cell where you want to apply the formatting.
4) Choose edit paste special.
5) Select format option button.
6) Click on ok.
Renaming a Sheet:
1. Give double click on the required sheet tab.
2. Then, type required sheet name.
3. Press Enter Key.
Moving Worksheet:
1. Click on required sheet tab then a page attaches to the mouse pointer will appear.
2. Then, drag it up to destination.
To insert Rows and columns:
1. First select the rows or columns, how many you want to insert.
2. Go to insert menu.
3. Click on rows or columns.
To Deleting Rows and Columns:
1. First select the rows or columns, how many you want to delete.
2. Go to edit menu.
3. Click on Delete.
To Hide Rows and Columns:
1. First select the rows or columns, how many you want to hide.
2. Go to Format Menu.
3. Click on Hide.
To Unhide Rows or Columns:
1. First select the above and below of the hidden rows and columns left and right of the hidden columns by clicking its heading.
2. Go to Format Menu.
3. Choose either Rows or Columns and click on Unhide.
To insert comments (notes) in the particular cell:
1. First place the cursor in the cell, where you want to insert comment.
2. Go ton Insert menu.
3. Click on comment.
Then, the comment box attaching to the cell will appear.
4. Type the required comment inside the comment box.
5. Then, click the lift mouse button anywhere outside the select ed cell will appear.
If you don't want to the comment indication :-
1. Go to Tools menu.
2. Click on option .
3. Choose None option from comment indicator.
4. Click on ok.
To edit the comment:-
1. place the cursor at required cell, whose comment has to be changed.
2. Go to Insert menu.
3. Click on edit comment .
4. Then select the comment box by clicking on its outside boarder.
5. Then, press Del key from keyboard.
How To Use Formula :
1. Fill Data in rows and columns.
2. Place the curser when you want formula result.
3. Go to Insert Menu.
4. Click on Function.
5. Choose function Name and click on OK.
6. Then function dialog box will appear.
7. Give the formula and click on OK.
Formula :-
Formula is the sequential structure of the functions and/or operators, which are used to perform any types of calculation. There are various functions and operators are used to make an appropriate structure of the formula.
Operators :-
Operators are the single or group of arithmetic or logical indicators (Sign) . Operators are the element of the formula ,used to specify a required operation . There are basically two type of operators.
1) Numerical operators .
2) Logical operators
Numerical operators:-
These operators are used to perform arithmetic operation like ,Addition, Subtraction , Multiplication , Division ,Percentage and Exponent etc.
Some numerical operators :
1) + = For Addition
2) - = For Subtraction
3) * = For Multiplication
4) / = For Division
5) % = To Calculate percentage
6) ^ =To calculate square ,cube ,4th time........ of any value
Logical operators :-
These operators are for Decision making .Various logics are used to while used while solving any problem . These operators compare more than two condition and give one logical value True or false ..
Some logical operators :-
1) = (Equal too )
2) > (Greater than )
3) >= (Greater than equal to )
4) <(Less than ) 5) <= (Less than ) 6) <> (Not equal to )
Function : -
Function is the ready -made formula that can be directly applied. Function are the special pre- written formulas .
Some important functions used in MS-Excel .
1) Sum(Cell Range) : To calculate the sum of the cell .
2) Product (Cell Range) : To calculate the product of the cell .
3) Average (Cell Range ): To calculate the average value of the cell .
4) Count(Cell Range ) : To count the number of numeric value .
5) Max(Cell Range ) : To find the maximum value of the cell .
6) Min(Cell Range):To find the minimum value of the cell.
7) Sqrt (Cell) : To calculate the square root value of the cell .
8) Log(Value, Cell) : To find the log value of the cell .
9) Today () : To find the current date only
10) Now() :To find the Current date and time .
11)Upper (".......") :- To find the Capital Letter .
12)Lower ("..........") To find the Small Letter .
Table format
1 Solve the ollowing problem by using suitable Numerical operators and function
1 S.N Particular Rate/unit Qty Amount
2 1 Rice 40 5 ?
3 2 Sugar 28 3
4 3 Salt 8 1
5 4 Kerosene 26 10
6 5 Potato 12 12
Amount =C2 *D2 (Quantity Rate = Amount)
1) Amount of each cell.
2) Deference between the rate of sugar and salt .
3) Rate of kerosene by using Amount cell.
4) Maximum rate of the item.
5) Minimum Qty of the item.
6) Grant total Amount of all item .
7) Grant total amount of all item except kerosene .
8) Average rate of the item .
Solution :
1) = C2*D2
2) = C3-C4
3) = E5/D5
4) = Max(C2:C6)
5) = Min(D2:D6)
6) = Sum(E2:E6)
7) = E2+E3+E4+E6
8) =Average(C2:C6)
2 Calculate Bonus ,Tax, And Net Salary by using given criteria
1 S.N. Name Salary Bonus Tax Total
2 1 Sushant 3500 ?
3 2 Pooja 6500 ?
4 3 Sandesh 7500
5 4 Prem 8000
6 5 Laxmi 5000
7 6 Hari 7500
Criteria :
1 Bonus will give 20% of Salary per month .
2 Tax will pay 10% of (Salary and bonus )per month .
3 Also calculate Average basic salary .
4 To find Net Salary
Solution :
Bonus = C3*20%
Tax= (C3+D3)*10%
Net salary= C3+D3=E3
Average salary = Average(C3:C7)
IF Function :
This function is used , if only one condition is given .
3 Solve the following problem by using If function with the help of given criteria :
1 S.N. Name Address Post Salary Bonus Tax HA Total
2 1 Sushant Ktm Manager 6500 ?
3 2 Pooja Palpa accountant 7500
4 3 Sandesh Jhapa Engineer 8000
5 4 Prem Surkhet Gardener 5000
6 5 Laxmi Pokhara Director 7500
7 6 Hari Ktm Peon 3200
Criteria :
• Bonus will give 15% of Salary, if his/her salary is less and equal to 3500.
• Tax will pay 10% of salary and bonus ,if he /she is from Ktm .
• HA will get 5% o salary , if he/she in not from Ktm .
Solution :
Bonus = if( E2<=3500,E2*15%,0) Tax= if( C2="Ktm",(E2+F2)*10%,0) HA= if(C2<>"Ktm",E2*5%,0)
Total= E2+F2-G2
AND Function :- This function is used ,if two or more condition is given .
1 S.N. Name Address Post Salary Bonus Tax HA Total
2 1 Sushant Ktm Manager 6500 ?
3 2 Pooja Palpa accountant 7500
4 3 Sandesh Jhapa Engineer 8000
5 4 Prem Surkhet Gardener 5000
6 5 Laxmi Pokhara Director 7500
7 6 Hari Ktm Peon 3200
Criteria :
1 Bonus will give 15% of salary, if his salary is less than equal to 3500.
2 Bonus will give 12% of salary , if his salary is greater than 3500 and less than equal to 6500.
3 Bonus will give 10% of salary ,if his salary is greater than 6500.
Tax :
Tax will pay 10% of salary and bonus ,if he is not from Ktm.
HA will give 15% of salary ,if he/she is from Pokhara.
HA will give 10% of salary ,if he/she ifs from Ktm.
HA will give 5% of salary ,if he/she is from outside of p[okhara and Ktm.
Solution :
Bonus=if(E2<=3500,E2*15%,if(and(E2>3500,E2<=6500),E2*1 2%,E2*10%)) Tax = if(C2<>"Ktm",(E2+F2)*10%,0)
HA= if(C2="Pokhara",E2*15%,if(C2="Ktm" ,E2*10%,E2*5%))
OR function : This function isused ,if more than one comparitive condition is given .
1 S.N. Name Address Post Salary Bonus Tax Total
2 1 Sushant Ktm Manager 6500 ?
3 2 Pooja Palpa accountant 7500
4 3 Sandesh Jhapa Engineer 8000
5 4 Prem Surkhet Gardener 5000
6 5 Laxmi Pokhara Director 7500
7 6 Hari Ktm Peon
1. Bonus will give 15 % of Salary, either his post is manager or his salary is less than and equal to 3500.
2. Tax will pay 10% of Salary an bonus ,either he is from Ktm or his post is Engineer.
Solution :
Bonus : If(or(D2<="Manager",E2<=3500),E2*15%,0) Tax : If(or(EC2="Ktm" D2="Engineer"),(E2+F2)*10%,0) Nepal Telecommunication Bill Problem 1:- Input given are the telephone number, name ,Previous reading ,current reading . find Total calls ,Excess calls ,subtotal, Telecom Tax, Value, Added A B C D E F G H I J k 1 S.N. Tel. Phone Name Prev. Reading Curr. Reading Total calls Excess call Sub Total Telecom tax Vat Grand total 2 1 520425 Ram 3200 3240 3 2 520452 Bimal 3445 3478 4 3 520121 Ravi 4553 4647 5 4 520141 Anshu 3456 3456 Criteria : Minimum Charge=150 Minimum Call =100 Excess call charge =RS1/call Telecom Tax will pay 10% of sub total VAT will pay 10% of Sub total and Telecom tax Solution : Total call : = E2-D2 Excess calls = if(F2>=100,F2-100,0)
Sub total = 150+G2*1
Telecom Tax=H2*10%
VAT= (H2+I2)*10%
Total =H2+I2+J2
5 Calculate the Total marks, Result, Percentage, Division and Remark of the following students by using standard SLC Result Criteria .
1 S.N Name Eng Nep Mat C.M Acc Health Sci Total Result Pct Division Rem.
2 1 Deven 56 55 65 65 87 56 66
3 2 Puspa 67 45 45 45 68 45 56
4 3 Kamala 66 43 35 46 43 57 44
5 4 Laxmi 66 46 36 65 34 79 34
6 5 Chandra 56 78 78 57 69 78 46
Solution :
Result(K2)=if(and(C2>=32,D2>=32,E2>=32,F2>=32,G>=32,H>=32,I>=32),"Pass" ,"Fail")
Division(M2)= if(L2>=60,"First",if(and(L2<60,L2>=45),"Second", if(and(L2<45,L2>=32),"Third", "No Division")))
Remarks(N2)=if(M2="First", "Excellent", if(M2="Second", "Well", if(M2="Third", "Good", "Try again")))
Text warp:-
This option is used to keep the data at same column width without extending column width. But at that time, cell height will increase.
1. First select the required data. Which you want to keep (warp) in the same column width.
2. Go to format menu.
3. Click on cells.
4. Choose alignment folder.
5. Put the mark in text warp.
6. Click on ok.
Note 1. You can also use Alt+ Enter key to break the line for text wrapping.
Note 2. To remove this effect, select cell -format - cells - Alignment Tap - remove the tick mark form text warp option.
Boarder and shading :-
1) First select the required data.
2) Go to format menu.
3) Click on cells.
Then format cells dialog box appears.
4) Choose Boarder folder.
5) Choose required line style and click on Inside.
Similarly, choose required line style and click on
Outline . Also , you can choose required colour for selected required line style.
6)click on ok.
Note: if you want to give required shadow to required cell, the choose pattern folder and choose required colour.
1) Select the required data.
2) Then, direct click on dropdown arrow of Boarder icon and pattern icon on formatting toolbar.
3) choose required style and colour.
Auto Format:
This option is used to keep the data in ready - made format.
1) First, select the required data.
2) Go to Format menu.
3) Click on Auto Format.
4) Choose required style.
5) Click on ok.
Note:- To remove this effect, choose Note.
Merge and centering (centralizing data across columns):
This option is used to center the data by merging required columns.
1) Select the data and required column cells.
2) Then, direct click on merge and center icon
1) Select the data cell and other required column cells.
2) Go to format menu.
3) Click on cells.
4) Choose Alignment Folder.
5) Put the tick mark on Merge cells.
6) Click on ok.
Note: To remove this effect, Remove the tick mark from same option.
Custom List :
This is the special list, where you can store the required data series for future use. you can access this list at any place inside the worksheet.
To add data to the custom list:-
1) Go to Tool menu.
2) Click on option.
3) Choose custom list folder.
4) Choose New list.
5) Place the cursor in text entries box.
6) Then, type the required data by separating comma or by using enter key.
7) Click on add.
8) Click on ok
Then, type any one data in any one cell and drag it up to destination by holding the bottom of active cell.
Change the color of cell gridlines:-
1) Select the sheets on which you want to change the gridline color.
2) On the Tools menu, Click options, and then Click the view tab.
3) Under window options, click the color you want in the color box.
To use the default gridline color, click Automatic.
Splitting window:-
This command is used to break the worksheet into tow parts so, that you can able to compare and work with different part of worksheet at once.
1) Place the cursor at required cell where you want to split window.
2) Go to window menu.
3) Click on spilt.
Note :- To remove this effect, choose Remove spilt on window menu.
Form :- We can enter and Maintains the records in very simple way by using this form it is also used to searches for records .
1) define required heading for data
2) Go to data menu
3)Click on form .Then the form dialog box will appear
4) Click on required button to performs required task .
5) Click on close button ..when finished
Sorting :-
This option is used to sort (arrange) the required data range either in ascending (0-9,a-z) order or, in descending (z-a, 9-0) order.
1) First place at any one cell inside the whole data range.
2) Go to Data menu.
3) Click on sort.
Then, sort By dialog box will appear.
4) Click on dropdown arrow of sort by and choose required cell heading.
5) Choose either ascending or descending.
6) Click on ok.
1. Place at any one -cell entire the required column, which you want to sort either in ascending or in descending order.
2. Then, direct click on either ascending or descending button on standard toolbar.
Auto filter:
This option is used to filter (show) the required data only, by hiding others.
1) First, place the cursor anywhere inside the data range.
2) Go to data menu.
3) Choose Filter.
4) Choose Auto Filter and click on it.
Then, the dropdown button in each title heading will appear.
5) Click on required title heading button and choose required criteria.
Then, only related data will display.
To return into its previous effect :-
1. Click on same title heading.
2. Click on All.
3. Go to Data menu.
4. Choose Filter.
5. Choose Auto Filter and click on it.
Advanced Filter:--
This option is also used to filter the required data only. Advanced filter is used for complex criteria. It is also used to copy the filtered data at required place.
1. First define the criteria (field heading and item heading ) for filter to the right of existing data range.
2. Place the cursor anywhere inside the data range.
3. Go to data menu.
4. Choose Filter.
5. Choose Advanced Filter and click on it. Then , Advanced filter dialog box appears.
6. Place the cursor in the criteria range box and select the criteria range.
7. Choose Filter the list, in place. or , choose copy to another location and then select the target cell at copy to box.
8. Click on ok.
Note :- To show all records, choose Data >show all.
Applying validation Rules:-
You can use to define restriction on what data can or should be entered in a cell so that there will be less chances to enter the incorrect data by the user. when a user attempts to enter the incorrect data, it display messages and prompt users for correct entries and notify users about incorrect entries. It is specially helpful for novice users.
Restrict cell entries to numbers, dates, or times within specified limits:-
1. Select the cells that you want to restrict.
2. On the Data menu, click Validation, and click the setting tab;
3. In the Allow box, click the type of data .
To specify only numbers, click whole Number or Decimal.
Creating a chart using the chart wizard:-
You create a chart by selecting a range of cells to plot and launching the chart wizard. The wizard examines the selected range and than proceed through the steps to embed the chart on the worksheet. An embedded chart is actually placed over not entered into a cell range. Once embedded, you can move, size, and delete the chart
Creating a chart:-
1. First select the required data range, which you want to show in chart form.
2. Direct click on chart wizard icon on the standard toolbar.
- Go to Insert menu.
- Click on chart.
Then, chart wizard dialog box with different type style will appear.
3. Choose required chart type and sub type.
Note: you can also choose the required chart style from custom type folder.
4. To view the sample of selected chart style, click on press and hold to view sample button.
5. Click on next button .
6. Choose required option.
7. Click on next button.
8. Define required option at different folders.
9. Click on next button.
10. Define required place for chart like: As new sheet, As object in .
11. Click on Finish button.
Then, the chart related with selected data range will appear.
Changing the style of chart:-
After getting a chart, also you get a chart toolbar is not appearing, then click the right mouse button anywhere inside the toolbar area and choose chart.
1. Select the chart.
2. Click on dropdown arrow of chart type icon on chart toolbar.
3. Then, choose required chart style.
Resizing a chart: -
1. Select the chart by clicking on its outside boarder.
Then, the handles abounding the chart area will appear.
2. Click on required handle and drag it up to destination.
Deleting a chart: -
1. Select the chart.
2. Then, press Del key from keyboard.
Note:- If you want to change the colour, font color, background colour and other effect then, give double click on required area and choose required one.
Using different types of Auditing toolbar uses this option to audit the account. First of all.
1. Go to Tools menu.
2. Click on Auditing.
3. Choose show auditing toolbar and click on it.
Then, Auditing toolbar will appear.
4. Choose required data cell (i.e. either result cell or its supporting cell).
5. Then, click on required audit tool inside the auditing toolbar.
Goal seek: -
This option is used to change the goal value (target value) of the result cell by changing its anyone supporting cell
Suppose you want to calculate simple interest, if the principal =1000, Interest Rate= 10% and period=2 years. Then
Scenarios: -
This option is used to keep the different data range without changing any, by using different scenario name.
1. First select the required data range.
2. Go to Tools menu.
3. Click on scenarios.
Then, scenarios Manager dialog box will appear.
4. Click on add.
5. Give required scenarios name for old data range.
6. Click on ok .
7. Don't change the data.
8. Again, click on add.
9. Give new scenarios name for changing data range.
10. Change the data range as per required .
11. Click on ok .
Then, scenarios Manager dialog box with given scenarios name will appear.
12. Choose required scenarios name.
13. Click on show.
14. Click on close.
Note :- If you want to show to show any changing data range, then choose required scenarios name and click on show from Tools - scenarios.
File - page setup:-
This option is used to define the required paper size, paper orientation (portrait or landscape). margin, header & footer, page order etc.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on page setup.
Then page setup dialog box with page.
Margin, Header/Footer, sheet folder (tabs)appears.
3. Choose page folder to define paper size, paper orientation, first page number etc.
4. choose Margin folder to define Top, Bottom, Left, Right Header & Footer margin as well as position of the sheet.
5. Choose sheet folder to define the [page order and print options.
6. Click on ok.
Adjusting page and margin settings:-
You used the page tab in the page setup dialog box to specify the paper size, print scale, and print orientation for a workbook.
1. Choose File, page setup
2. Click page and margin tabs
3. Select the desired page layout option
Inserting Headers and footer :-
1. Choose File, page setup
2. Click headers/ Footers tap
3. Select a predefined header or footer or click custom header or footer button to design your own.
Print :-
Before printing the documents, we need to customize the different settings like headers, footers, margins, gridlines , etc for our purpose. To make the process more manageable, Excel organizes those features under four tabs viz. page , margins , Header /Footer and sheet in the page setup dialog box.
Before printing the workbook,
1. Go to File menu.
2. Click on page setup.
3. Then, define required margin, paper size, paper orientation [i. e. either Tall (portrait) or wide (Landscape)} etc.
4. Click on close.
5. Again, Go to File menu.
6. Click on print. or Direct press ctrl +p key.
7. Define required printing range like: Active sheet, selection, and whole workbook as your requirement.
8. Also, you can define selected sheet by giving the range in From and To box.
9. Define required no. of copies.
10 t last, click on print.
Microsoft Power-Point
Application File Name :- powerpnt.exe
Extension File Name :- ppt
Introduction :-
Ms. Power point is presentation software. It is also a family member of Ms . Office group .It was developed by Microsoft corporation, new your U.S.A. with the help of this program, we can create different types of slide Designing ', we can also set different animation, transition and sound effect to the inserted slider. This is mostly used in display project overview and different presentation with projection and monitor.
Starting system :-
1. Click on start button .
2. Choose program.
3. Choose Microsoft power point and click on it
1. Click on start button.
2. Choose search.
3. Choose For files or folder and click on it. All Files or Folders (in case of window's only)
4. Type PowerPoint. Exe at the search for files or folder (all or part of the file name) box.
5. Choose my computer by clicking on drop- down arrow of look in.
6. Click on search now (search) button.
Then the icon of the power point will display.
7. Give double click on it . Or, choose and press Enter key at once. Then you will direct enter in to the ms. power point and see the following dialog box:
8. You can create a presentation by using all given options. (In case of powerpoint'xp, click on create a new presentation option.)
9. Auto content wizard and Design Template (slide Design) are the ready - made presentation format. you cannot create your own presentation by using these options.
10. So, choose Blank presentation to create your own presentation.
11. Click on ok.
Then you will see 12- presentation style box - in power point '00 and different Layout boxes- in powerpoint'xp.
12. Choose the required one.
13. click on ok.
Then you will get PowerPoint dialog box with selected slide in Normal view.
14. click on required area and type your required text. But, in case of figure, give double click on clipart area and choose required one.
15. At Last, save your slide by using file - save / save As option.
Note :-
If the PowerPoint dialog box is not appear in the screen then, Go to File menu, click on New, choose Blank presentation inside the General folder and click on ok .(In case of PowerPoint '00 only).
Task pane (only in PowerPoint 'xp'):
Microsoft PowerPoint includes several task panes.
Task pane: A window within an office application that provides commonly used commands that help you complete the following tasks:
Create a new presentation: This is used for Blank presentation, slide Design, Auto contents wizard option etc…
Select a Layout (Layout: Then arrangement of elements, such as title and subtitle text, lists, pictures, tables, charts, Auto shapes, and movies, on a chart.) for slides.
Choose a Design Template (Design Template: A file that contains the styles in a presentation, including the type and size of bullets and fonts'. placeholder sizes and positions'. background design and color schemes;. and a slide master and optional title master.)
Creating a presentation by using Design Template (slide Design):-
The Design Template is used to create presentation with ready- made format. The Design Template contains presentation styles.
1. In the PowerPoint dialog box, choose Design Template and click on ok
But, if the PowerPoint dialog box is not appear in screen, then
2. Go to File menu.
3. Click on New.
4. Choose presentation Design folder.
5. Choose required one by viewing its sample.
6. Click on ok.
Then New slide dialog box with 12 different style boxes will appear.
7. Choose required style.
8. Click on ok.
9. Then prepare slide as your requirement.
10. At last, save your presentation by using File - save /save a As option.
Creating a presentation by using Auto content wizard: -
The Auto content wizard presents five - dialog box, each of which ask you a question about the kind of presentation you want to create After completing the process, you get a ready -made presentation with contents. Then you can change the contents as your requirement and also you can define required transition effect and text animation.
1. In the PowerPoint dialog box, choose Auto content wizard and click on ok .
But if the PowerPoint dialog box is not in the screen. Then
2. Go to File menu.
3. Click on new.
4. Choose General folder.
5. Choose content wizard and
6. Click on ok.
In case of PowerPoint 'xp ', First bring New presentation pane by clicking on dropdown arrow of Task pane and choose From Auto content wizard option. Then auto content wizard dialog box will appear.
7. Follow the instruction given by the computer using next button .At Last, click on Finish button. Then you will get presentation format. Change it as your requirement.
Ways to view and work with slides :-
Normal View:-
This is used to view /show the slide and its contents in full page. It is also known as designing view. The icon of this view is located at the lower leftmost corner.
-Go to view menu.
-Click on slide sorter.
Note page view:-
This is used to view/ show the slide 's note.
-Go to view menu.
-Click on Notes page view.
Slide show ( Presentation) view:--
This option is used to present the slides in full screen with different slide transition and animation effect . After creating and formatting the slides,
1. Direct click on the slide show icon on the lower rightmost corner.
1. Go to view menu.
2. Click on slide show.
1. Go to show menu.
2. Click on view show.
Working with slides:-
Inserting a new slide:
1. First place at the slide sorter view.
2. Select the slide, after which you want to insert.
3. Go to Insert menu.
4. Click on New slide. Or , Direct press Ctrl + M
Then new slide dialog box will appear.
5. Choose required one style.
6. Click on ok.
To make duplicate slide:-
1. Select the slide, of which you want to make duplicate in slide sorter view.
2. Go to Insert menu.
3. Click on Duplicate slide.
To delete unnecessary slide (s):
1. Select required slide (s) , which you want to delete in slide sorter view.
( Note: If you want to select more then one slide then use ctrl and shift key while selection)
2. Go to Edit menu.
3. Click on Delete.
To copy the slide :-
1. Select the required slide, which you want to copy.
2. Then, drag it up ton required place by holding ctrl key.
1. Go to Edit menu.
2. Click on copy.
1. Direct click on ctrl +c
1. Direct click on copy icon on the standard Toolbar.
2. Then place at the required location, where you want to paste.
3. Again, go to Edit menu.
4. Click on paste
- Direct press ctrl + V key.
- Direct click on paste icon on standard Toolbar.
To move the slide :-
1. Select the required slide , which you want to move.
2. Then drag it up to required location.
1. Go to Edit menu.
2. Click on cut.
Direct click on cut icon on standard Toolbar.
Direct press ctrl + x key.
3. Then place at the required location.
4. Again, go to Edit menu.
5. Click on paste.
Direct press ctrl + v key.
Direct click on paste icon on standard Toolbar.
Changing slide 's Background:
This option is used to change the background color, fill effect of the selected slides.
1. First, place at the slide sorter view.
2. Select all slides by using Edit - select All or Direct press ctrl + A key. Or, select required slide.
3. Go to Format menu.
4. Click on Background.
Then, Background dialog box will appear.
5. Click on dropdown arrow of Background fill and choose required color. you can also change various fill effects to the slides by clicking on fill effect and choosing required style.
6. Click on Apply for selected slide and Apply All for all slides.
Apply Design ( Design Template):-
This option is used to change the slide 's design with ready - made style (Template).
1. Place at the slide sorter view.
2. Go to format menu.
3. Click on apply Design (slide Design).
In case of PowerPoint 'xp , you can bring the slide Design by clicking on dropdown arrow of Task pane and choosing slide Design.
The, Apply Design dialog box with various ready - made styles will appear.
4. Choose required one by viewing its sample.
5. Finally , click on apply.
Slide Transition (PowerPoint '00):-
This option is used to set special effect to the slide for presentation. These effects come in - between leaving one slide and appearing another. you can also add sound effect at the time of slide changing.
1. Select the required slide (s) in slide sorter view.
2. Go to slide show menu.
3. Click on slide Transition.
Then , slide Transition dialog box will appear.
4. Click on dropdown arrow of Effect and choose required transition effect.
5. Choose either slow or Medium or Fast speed for slide Transition .
6. You can also define time for transition by putting tick mark on automatically after and giving required time in second box.
7. Remove tick mark from on mouse click, if you want to transit the slides automatically.
8. Choose required sound effect by clicking on dropdown arrow of sound and choosing required effect.
9. Then, at last, click on Apply for selected slide and Apply All for all slides.
Slide Transition (PowerPoint '00):-
1. Place at the required slide.
2. Go to slide show menu.
3. Click on custom Animation.
Click on dropdown arrow of Task pane and choose custom Animation.
Then custom Animation Task pane with per- defined styles appears.
4. Place at the required slide.
5. Choose required Transition effect.
6. Click on dropdown arrow of speed and choose and choose either slow or Medium or Fast.
7. Again, click on dropdown arrow of sound and choose required one.
8. Put tick mark on Loop until next sound option ( if needed).
9. If you want the slide Transition automatically then remove the tick mark on mouse click and put the tick mark on Automatically after and define time in second.
Custom Animations (PowerPoint '00).
This option is used to animate/excite text, graphics and other objects with different style. It helps to create attention to the audience towards the presentation. We can set the different presenting order and timing for animation.
1. First, place in slide (Normal) view with required slide.
2. Go to slide show menu.
3. Click on custom Animation.
Then, custom Animation dialog box will appear with different folders.
4. Choose Timing (order and Timing) folder at first.
5. Choose required text or object, which you want to animate.
6. Click on Animate (i. e. put radian button to the Animate).
7. Click on Automatically and define timing for animate, if you want to animate automatically.
8. Choose Effect Tap (folder).
9. Click on dropdown arrow of Entry animation and sound and choose required animation and sound effect.
10. Repeat above 4 to 9 process for other text/objects
11. Finally click on ok.
Animation Scheme (PowerPoint 'xp):-
This option is used to animate the contents of the slide with per- defined effects and styles.
1. Place at the required slide.
2. Go to slide show menu.
3. Click on Animation schemes.
Click on dropdown arrow of Task pane and choose slide Design - Animation schemes.
Then slide Design Task pane with pre- defined styles appears.
4. Choose required one.
Custom Animations (PowerPoint '00):-
First bring the custom Animation pane using,
1. Slide show menu.
2. Custom Animation
Click on dropdown arrow of Task pane and choose custom Animation pane and choose custom Animation. Then custom Animation pane appears.
3. Select the required contents.
4. Click on Add Effect dropdown and choose required option and styles.
5. Define required Modify option like: start, Direction, speed etc. …..(it depends upon the effects)
6. Again click on dropdown arrow of pre - selected style.
7. Define required options like: Timing, Effect (sound) etc…
Note: Choose More Effects options for different effects than the listed.
Working with text:
Adding text:
If you want to write / add text to the Blank slide then define the area by using text tool from the Drawing toolbar.
Formatting text:
You can format (i. e. B, I, U, Font size, Alignment, Font color, shadow, Line spacing, paragraph spacing, change case; Bullet etc. ) the text as your requirement by using Format- Font; paragraph; change case; Line spacing ; Replace Font etc. option.
To increase Font size with same ratio, press ctrl + shift+ >and ctrl + shift+
1. Give double click to the clipart icon on the slide and choose required one .(in case of text and clipart slide only).
2. For clipart slide only:
- Go to Insert menu.
- Choose picture.
- Choose either clipart or From File.
- Choose required one and click on insert.
Presenting the slide continuously:
1. Select all slides in the slide sorter view.
2. Click the right mouse button anywhere inside the selected slide .(Go to Slide Show menu and click on setup show - in case of PowerPoint' xp.)
3. Click on setup show.
Then setup show dialog box will appear.
4. Put the tick mark on the Loop continuously until 'Esc' key.
5. Click on ok.
6. Then, Go to view menu.
7. Click on slide show.
8. Press ESC key to stop the presentation.
Slide Layout:
This option is used to re-apply the slide style to the existing slide.
1. Select the required slide, which you want to change the different style.
2. Go to Format menu.
3. Click on slide Layout.
Note: In case of PowerPoint' xp, click on Dropdown arrow of Task pane and choose slide Layout.
The slide Layout dialog box with 12- style box will appear.
4. Choose required one style.
5. Click on Re-apply. (But in case of PowerPoint 'XP, click on right dropdown arrow of favorite slide layout and choose either Apply to slide or Reapply Layout.)
Slide Color Scheme:
This option is used to change the side color.
1. Select the required slide (s) .
2. GO TO Format menu.
3. Click on Slide Color Scheme.
In case of PowerPoint 'XP, click on dropdown arrow of Task Pane and choose slide
Design - Color schemes.
Then, slide color scheme dialog box will appear.
4 . Choose required color scheme
5 . Click on apply / apply to All button. (But in case of Power Point 'XP, Click on right dropdown arrow of color and choose either Apply to selected slide or Apply to all Slide.)
Master slide:
This option is used to apply common design and style to all slides at a time by defining on it at once. We can define Background, Font Style, font colour Text Animation Date and time slide numbers etc. to that slide for providing same effect to all - entire slides. There are various pre-defined master slides, which are stored in Template.
After inserting required slides,
1. First, Selected all slides
2. Go to view menu
3. Choose Master.
4. Click on slide Master.
Then, Master slide will appear.
5. Apply different animation effects to the different part of the slide as well as define required slide transition effect.
6. Click on close button (close Master View button - in case of PowerPoint 'XP')
You can also insert Footer, slide Number, Date and Time, using Header and Footer option of view menu.
Inserting Table slide:
1. Choose Blank presentation from PowerPoint dialog box (New presentation Task pane -in PowerPoint 'xp).
2. Click on ok. (If you want to add this slide with previous, Go to Insert menu and Click on New slide).
Then, New slide dialog box with different 12- style box ( Apply slide Layout pane - in xp) will appear.
3. Choose Table icon. (In PowerPoint' xp-If you want to add this slide with previous, Click on right dropdown arrow of Table icon and click on insert New slide.)
4. Click on ok.
Then , slide with table icon will appear.
5. Click on Title area and give required title for Table.
6. Then , give double click on Double click to add Table icon.
7. Define required no. of rows and columns.
8. Click on ok.
Then, Table format will appear.
9. Type the text inside the table as your required . you can give required Boarder and Shading to the text inside the table by using Format - Boarder and shading option after selecting it.
10. At last, click on outside of the table area.
Inserting chart slide:
1. Choose Blank presentation from PowerPoint dialog box (New presentation Task pane- in 'xp).
2. Click on ok . ( If you want to add this slide with previous, Go to insert menu and click on New slide)
Then , New slide dialog box with different 12- style box ( Apply slide Layout pane - in xp) will appear.
3. Choose chart slide. (In PowerPoint'xp - If you want to add this slide with previous, click on right dropdown arrow of chart icon and click on Insert New slide. )
4. Click on ok.
Then slide with chart icon will appear.
5. Click ON title area and give required title for chart.
6. Then give double click on Double click to add chart icon,.
Then you will see chart style and table form .
7. Fill table for chart as your required.
Then chart as per table contents will appear.
7. At last, click on outside of the chart area .
Creating an organizational chart:
1. Choose Blank presentation from PowerPoint dialog box ( New presentation Task pane - in powerpoint'xp).
2. Click on ok. (If you want to add this slide with previous, Go to Insert menu and click on New slide).
Then, New slide dialog box with different 12- style box ( Apply slide Layout pane- in xp) will appear.
3. Choose organization chart style .( In PowerPoint 'xp- If you want to add this slide with previous, click.)
4. Click on ok.
Then , slide with organization chart icon will appear .
5. Then give required title and double click on Double click to add organization chart icon .
Then organization chart sample with organization chart tools will appear . In case of xp, choose organization chart icon from the list and click on ok.
6. Then prepare chart as per requirement by using tools.
7. After completion the design, Go to Fill menu and click on Exit and Return to presentation - inn case of PowerPoint ' 00 only.
Page setup :
This option is used to define the required size of slides, slides orientation etc.
1. Go to File menu.
2. Click on page setup.
Then page setup dialog box appears.
3. Define required options.
• Slides size
• Slides orientation (portrait/Landscape.) etc.
4. Click on ok.
This option is using to print the slides. After completing the slide designing,
1. Go to File menu.
2. Click on print.
Then print dialog box will appear.
3. Choose required printer name, print range and other needed options.
4. Click on ok.
Basic terms related to Windows
It is the background area of Windows on which windows; icons, menus, and dialog boxes appear.
Icon is the graphical presentation of the computer's items. Desktop icons are those icons, which remains on the desktop.
Window (dialog box):
It is a small rectangular frame, which appears after double clicking on any computer item. We can move and resize the window as our requirement.
Start Button: - It is the especial button, which is used to start 90% Programs based on the Window's XP. When you click the start button, you can see a menu, which contains everything you need to begin using Windows.
Shutdown (Turn Off Computer): - It enables you to Shutdown (Off) or Restart Your Computer.
Utility Button: - Each and every window (of program, items) has a set of button to control the overall outer activities of the window are known as Utilities button.
Changing system's Date and Time:
By default, Date/Time indicator on the Taskbar shows the current Date and Time. But, if the give Date and Time are not correct then,
1. Give the double click on Date/ Time indicator on the Taskbar.
1. Click on start Button.
2. Choose setting
3. Click on control panel.
Then control panel Dialog Box with various icons will appear.
4. Give double click on Date / Time icon.
Then Date / Time properties dialog box will appear.
5. Define required Date (year, month, Date), Time (Hour, Minute, second, AM/PM) and time Zone using dropdown and up/ down arrow. But you should place the cursor at hour, minute and second Zone before adjusting the time using up/ down arrow.
Note: choose (GMT+ 05: 45 Kathmandu) for Time zone.
6. Click on Apply.
7. Click on ok.
Then final setting of Date will be available at any relate programs.
Arranging Desktop items:
1. Click the right mouse button anywhere inside the blank Desktop area.
2. Choose Arrange.
3. Choose any required options like: by name, by type, by size, by date, auto arrange etc and click on it.
Note : Choose Auto Arrange for arranging the items automatically.
Control panel :
This is a special panel Board, which controls overall activities of the computer. you can use the icon in control panel to change the appearance and functionality of windows' 00'xp . These icons represent options for configuring your computer.
1. Click on start button.
2. Choose settings.
3. Click on control panel.
Display properties Changing Desktop ( wallpaper):
Wallpaper is the background area of the Desktop . Any pattern or picture that can be stored as a bitmap ( .bmp) file can be set as a screen background.
1. Click the right mouse button anywhere inside the blank area of the Desktop.
2. Click on properties.
1. Click on start button.
2. Choose setting.
3. Click on control panel.
4. Then, give double click on Display icon.
Then Display properties dialog box with different folders will appear.
5. Choose Background folder - in case of windows' 00 and choose Desktop folder - in case of windows ' xp ( if other folder exist ) from Display properties dialog box .
6. Click on up or down arrow of Background and choose required wallpaper by viewing its sample.
7. Also, choose required Display type ( Tile/ center/stretch).
8. Click on Apply.
9. Click on ok.
Note: you can also select the required image ( picture ) as wallpaper by clicking on Browse button and choosing required one.
Changing screen saver:
1. Choose screen saver folder from Display properties dialog box .
2. Click on dropdown arrow of screen saver and choose required one .
3. Click on setting button to set the special effect to the selected to the screen saver.
4. Also define required waiting time the screen saver.
5. Click on preview button to view its sample.
6. Click on Apply.
7. Click on ok.
Note 1: you can also define the required settings for energy saving like standby. Turn off monitor of Monitor (Monitor power).
Note 2: put the tick mark on √ on resume, password protect option in windows " xp to lock the computer with screen saver.
Changing appearance of the screen:
This option is used to change the appearance ( color, Font and size ) of any viewable items inside the computer screen.
1. Choose Appearance folder from Display properties dialog box
2. Click on dropdown arrow of scheme (color scheme) and choose required one by viewing its sample. It helps to change overall screen with ready - made format
3. But, if you want to change the color, Font, and Font size of individual items then click on dropdown arrow of Items and choose required item.
4. After then, click on dropdown arrow of color, Font , and Font size and choose required one.
5. Click on Apply.
6. Click on ok.
Note: To change into its default ( standard) setting, click on dropdown arrow of scheme (color scheme) and choose windows standard (windows classic).